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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 45 - November 11, 2021

State of Kansas

Governor’s Grants Program

Notice of Available Grant Funding

Grant funds are available from the Federal Sexual Assault Services Grant Program (SASP) for calendar year 2022. This grant program recognizes the need to place increased focus on sexual assault, rape, sex trafficking, and other severe forms of trafficking in persons who have also experienced sexual assault in order to address the lack of available direct intervention and related assistance services and the unique aspects of sexual assault trauma. Women and men of all ages, as well as children, can be victims of sexual assault. There is approximately $433,500 available for grant awards. Available grant funds may be awarded to rape crisis centers and other nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations who are accredited by the Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence or tribal programs for activities that provide rape and sexual assault services for the defined grant project purposes.

All grant applications must be submitted via the Governor’s Grant Portal by 11:59 p.m., November 30, 2021. To quickly locate the grant in the Grant Portal, use “SASP” for the keyword in your search or access the 2022 SASP Solicitation

Juliene Maska

Doc. No. 049558